New Song from Corleone

Vali Corleone surprises have not stopped. He posted a videospot and says he has sung before 12 years. Claims to be the father of hip-hop in Kosovo and Albania. Vali Corleone's not enough popularity after the interview in the "Free Zone" and subsequent reactions to severe insults especially Altuna singer Sejdiu - Tuna. Ocs son has discovered new things about myself. Now insist that it is a pioneer of hip-hop music in the English language. That has recorded many songs, which were stolen from Albanian milestone. He has posted a song which says it is its author and sang in 2000, but it had been stolen! "When I sing hip-hop do not know if there were any milestone in Albanian. I have other songs but they will be published after my death, "wrote Corleone on its website on facebook. He criticizes today's music because according to him, now it is produced with technology, while he made ​​the original music. Controversial boy says he had two invitations to play in Hollywood action movies, but could not go "that Hollywood is too far"! "Amico and Amica there is nothing in the world that I did not do," wrote Vali, reiterating that his history in Italy does not detected anything.