Man punch a woman "in the court, plow in the face in front of his daughter

Punch a man in court before their daughter wife, causing severe hematoma on his face. Serious event has occurred within the Court of Tirana, on the fourth floor of the building, where he held the final session of the division of the couple Metaliaj.Gazetari News24, Spartak head the scene reports that Blerim Metaliaj citizen without good starting shot session repeatedly punched his wife, causing wound down majtë.E eye was immediate police intervention, which has done well in the station association abusive husband Blerim Metaliaj. Meanwhile, the abused wife has suggested News24 grass that has been continued violence and cause division. Woman was accompanied to the hospital to choose the "Mother Teresa", where he received medications nevojshme.PrecedentiMë September 19 avoktati Bujar Dyrmishi, after a current conflict in Elbasan Court premises, in relation to schedule the next court hearing, struck with fists judge Xheladin Karkiini. Kavaja Court appointed measure "appearance liability" for the lawyer Bujar Dyrmishi, while the Chamber of Advocates described sentencing advocate an absurd act.