Confess treason "Show", kills husband

More popular spectacle has become a reason for committing a murder in Peru. In "El Valor de la Verdad" (truth value), competitors respond to embarrassing questions and a "truth machine" reveals the lies. As most intimate secrets are willing to confess, the more price increases. Thus, a 19-year-old named Ruth Thal Sayas was forced to confess her double life (7 July), consisting of one part of life to do with her ​​fiance and on the other hand numerous betrayals as a result of work "secret" as a ballerina in the premises of the night. That should have been the last few days, her body is found dead in a field on the outskirts of the city Jicamarca, where he lives. Learned that the author of the murder was husband, Bryan Romero, who has admitted that he killed. The reason? Jealousy, but 5000 euros gain from price-fatal spectacle.