Unikkatil - Red and Black feat. Klepto
There is the song of the Medes and Sinan Hoxha. There is no song song made by Top Channel. Has launched new song from the greatest rapper of all time Albanian, titled "Red and Black", she is taking primacy in top international lists.
Victor launched his Albanian anthem at an extraordinary text where Overlap history and political bitter actuality, while "Red and Black" has been extremely well received by people.
Over 5000 comments received song in 30 minutes prior to launch, as without doing 24 hours has taken primacy in the top list of YouTube Commented songs in the world with over 30 thousand comments.
In addition to being in first place in the world Commented songs during the day, the song is in the Top 5 songs commented throughout the week, being in between with artists like Katy Perry who recently launched the clip "Wide Awake "which has 90 thousand comments.
Albanian biggest rapper of all time, Victor, will hold his first concert and the latest in Pristina City Stadium on Sunday, while for non-recurring event tickets are on sale for only two days and the number is limited, according to the company always POWOW Entertainment.