Paul Ryan's Constituents: Right Pick for VP?

Mitt Romney introduced Paul Ryan to the nation on Saturday. But the representative's constituents, many who have known him for several congressional terms, are already familiar with his policies and personality. Yahoo! News asked voters who live in Wisconsin's 1st congressional district to share their feelings about Ryan. Below are some excerpts from what they wrote. *** I know Paul Ryan. In fact, I consider the congressman my friend. However, I am not alone. Paul is just a down-home type of guy who makes everyone feel as if they could go down to Famous Dave's and do lunch together. Paul loves God, his family, and he loves Wisconsin. In addition, he is an avid Packers fan. He enjoys hunting. He loves America. Paul graduated from Craig High School here in Janesville, Wis. This is where he gleaned his down-home values of honesty, fair-play and fiscal conservatism. In practical terms, these values are: Love your neighbor. Pay your bills on time. Live within your means. Help those who can't help themselves. -- Michael Jackson, Janesville *** Why am I opposed to Ryan? The tough-luck story of Ryan growing up quickly after his father died tugs at the heartstrings of some voters, but not this one. Ryan received aid from Social Security to help pay for his college, yet now his main agenda is chopping entitlement programs. This is hypocritical: "Do as I say, not as I do" just doesn't work for me. Ryan's budget proposals are akin to a surgeon using an ax instead of a scalpel. -- Mike Kreiman, Whitewater *** Ryan supports working to diminish the entitlement mentality that exists and has been on the rise in this country for years. I think it's important for people to learn self-reliance and living within their means. Spending money that doesn't exist is dangerous for any household as well as for the government. I'm positive Paul earnestly gets that. It's our economy that makes us a superpower and without economic strength, we will lose our strong position in the world. Paul Ryan will be there to keep us fiscally strong, which, by the way, helps us to help others. You can't give what you don't have in the first place. -- Lyn Vaccaro, Greenfield *** Ryan is not good for women, which is the first of many issues I have with him as a congressman. It scares me that he can potentially have a larger impact on these issues than he has already. His voting record proves his lack of concern for health care of women. * In May 2011, he voted yes on banning federal health coverage that includes abortion. * In January 2011, he voted to prohibit federal funding to groups like Planned Parenthood. * On same-sex marriage, Ryan voted yes to constitutionally define marriage as one man and one woman in July 2006. I cannot support a candidate who is not capable of recognizing the simplest civil rights. -- Lisa Brown, Milwaukee *** I agree with Ryan and, at the same time, often disagree. As a running mate with Romney? It's a smart move politically. Will I be voting for the duo? No, I won't. If Rep. Ryan was the presidential nominee and Romney was the VP, I might consider it. However, I don't trust Romney. I don't think the tea party should be getting behind him. I think they should be getting behind candidates who offer true reform, like Ron Paul or Gary Johnson. -- Justin Steckbauer, Racine *** Ryan is opposed to several measures that should be no-brainers in this day and age. He voted against the measure to support equal pay for women in an era where gender lines should not make a difference in the workplace. He didn't vote to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law at a time when one's sexual orientation couldn't mean less to the ability to serve your country. He wants to cut or eliminate Pell grants to millions of college students when more people than ever are being crushed under the weight of accumulated student debt. These choices don't belong in today's society and certainly don't belong in our highest elected offices. -- David Dierking, Menomonee Falls *** Rep. Ryan continues to back the wealthiest Americans, turning his back to the middle class -- that backbone of this great nation. He wishes to lower the rich's already low tax rates even further. (This is despite the messiah of the Republican Party, and in some ways American conservatism, Ronald Reagan, thinking and stating otherwise.) What about us, Congressman? It is important to take a stand against his extreme ways. He has lost one voter. -- Ryan Faja, Milwaukee