Make beats with the student teacher in school

This has been a really tough week for horny high school teachers AND a really fantastic week for lusty tabloid headline writers. While English teacher Erin Sayar has turned herself in for her alleged affair with a 16-year-old student (and now faces rape charges), 26-year-old global studies teacher Julie Warning has gone MIA amid allegations she had an affair with an 18-year-old student at Manhattan Theater Lab High School. According to the Post's trusty 16-year-old sources, student Eric Arty seduced Warning as part of a $500 bet with friends. And now, their sources are whispering in their ear that Arty is regretting the bet: "The bet was stupid," Arty reportedly told friends. "I really started feelin' for the shorty," he reportedly said in a direct quote. As bad as he might feel, that didn't stop Arty from carrying around a copy of the Post with the cover picture of him and Warning allegedly making out in a Greenwich Village park last Friday. Nothing screams remorse like carrying around a NY Post memento of seducing your teacher! His friends say that Arty will continue publicly denying the relationship, and told his friends to do the same, although obviously that hasn't worked out so well. Warning, who doesn't face any criminal charges because Arty is of age, called in sick for her DOE administrative reassignment on Thursday. It seems police were called to her Lake Peekskill home and spent nearly two hours inside; a Putnam County Sheriff told the Post a woman in the home had "requested transportation to the hospital," but provided no other details.