Gentes rage that culminates Bb5

Genta Bb5 slander on people who once considered close. Kosideronte brother Gianni's preparedness and friend, and for Emiliano as dear, because of a jealousy of not understood by Gentes is seen that in the covers of many newspapers are the two persons mentioned above as gay, where it seems clear that Gentes rage has led to this pike.nga other sources we learned that she herself has DRG threatening message telling you if you do not want to talk or i will grab sme deter the newspaper as well .... Gey apparently not spared for nothing by giving untrue statements, it seems clear that after a rejection from boys in terms of tastes concerning about women Genta has not been their preference, which has made this latest throw mud on their image . Perhaps the refusal of two boys has greatly exacerbated Genten which you know is very fond of boys, especially those named and those who have Gangsta status.