Ora News journalist mimics heart Tune

Many of the personalities who have served the American media giants occasionally mention the contribution of prominent reporter from Albania. Surprisingly here, in the "home" of famous mistress, know little about it and its contribution. Has been characteristic of life under communist dictatorship, which has kept in the shade and left unbleached shqiptares history that made his name in the U.S. media. Critical attitude Nexhmijes established dictatorial regime in Albania after World War II will be listed him among the "enemies of the party and the people", stigmatized with all kinds of vulgar epithets. Would happen so the next wonder of one of the Albanians, who immediately after the war, would leave its intellectual engagements in the U.S. and will be found in Italy to deal closely with improving the social status of the thousands of Albanian refugees, had penetrated there to escape communist war reprisals and violence. Will reagohej thus the valuable contributions of famous journalist, who would do much to convince the White House and Congress for this cause and to focus their attention to the condition of the poor persecuted Albanians in the former Yugoslavia. Immoral behavior would respond to the communist state's top hierarchy shqiptares will first report to the UN presence with a million Palestinian refugee camp. In the most unscrupulous would react against state security structures controversy cut her to cooperate with them. However, for a moment she pulled out of her way, by engaging in the service of Albania and of the Albanian issue. Remained until the last days of her life determined and persistent for the mission had given him to help people in the front line against injustice.