Klaudia in vacation

It discussed the relationship between the barista and Erjonit Klaudias, both inside and outside the home of "Big Brother". But so far everyone is just concerned about the fact that Claudia is leaving the shade Erjonit, and not the lip Erjoni Klaudian. We discovered that the story is much deeper than that ... "Couple" is recognized that prior to "Big Brother", through a complicated relationship named Sonja! Sonja is a hairdresser from Tirana, long Klaudian close friend and one year of less Erjonit girlfriend. Before joining the house Claudia, her close friend asked me to control her boyfriend and we all see that it is "care" for this person. Before the eyes of all Albanians is going a double betrayal and very ugly. We would expect a statement to learn the truth of this "Turkish soap" by Sonja itself, which should not be delayed much to speak ...